National Film Board

WE DAy Connect
Jane Goodall Receives lights for her Birthday-fundraiser
Microsoft and WeDay at E2 “Tech for Good”
Current Generation at the UN
see min 5:44 for reflections on learning French
How has Current Gen and Science 12 changed your University experience?
Being a Maker

Students meet Anthony Salicito where Seth finds his voice.
Grace and Stephanie talk about their Bracelet light for ISEC IEEE Princeton
Current Generation speaks to Atlantic Canadian Provincial and Federal Liberal party about future education. Students speak at 2:38 min.
This started as a collaboration between Preston Middle School and RHS. The students miss spoke. “THEIR portion of the project all started AT RIVERVIEW HIGH SCHOOL when Leah Esiner….”
RHS Students visit World Maker Faire in NYC. We won an editor’s choice award and and RHS Alumn is the lead of School of we can compete with the rest of the world.
Current Gen is example #2 for the Province of NB to help teachers become Future Ready
Coaching Teachers at NSTA’23 in Atlanta